Why and How Cavities Form

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A cavity is a hole that appears in the surface of a tooth as a result of tooth decay. It is often accompanied by pain, tooth sensitivity, and discoloration, but may not include any symptoms at all. Our team offers professional insight into why and how cavities form.

A cavity forms when acids left on the surface of the teeth break down the protective tooth enamel and create a hole that reaches into the dentist underneath and can lead directly to the tooth root. The acids that create tooth decay and cavities come from bacteria and plaque that grow on the smile if they are not removed with a toothbrush or string of dental floss.

Sugary food and carbs are common causes of cavities because the high amounts of sugar in these kinds of food easily convert into the acid that causes cavities. It is the bacteria in your mouth that converts the sugar. Sugary food that is hard and sticky is the most likely to cause cavities because dangerous to your dental health because it becomes stuck to your smile and does not budge easily, resulting in a long period of exposure to the tooth enamel.

Because cavities are not always immediately noticeable, we encourage you to visit Austin Dental Associates at least every six months, where we can provide the technology and expertise to diagnose tooth decay and provide important treatment. To schedule your next visit with the dentist in Maplewood, Minnesota, call 651-777-0788 today and make an appointment with Dr. Bradley Austin.