The Uses of Dental Crowns to Protect Teeth

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If you have a damaged or unflattering tooth, you can choose a dental restoration such as a dental crown to improve the weakened tooth structure. Our dentist and team will gladly help you determine if a dental crown is the right method. Dental crowns cover the whole tooth from the gum line to the cusps to restore its appearance and prevent additional damage. We offer a review of the uses of dental crowns to protect and repair damaged or vulnerable teeth.

Oftentimes, severe tooth damage requires a dental crown to cover the whole tooth in order to preserve the remaining structure and provide protection so that you can maintain your oral health. Dental crowns can even benefit teeth that are broken into pieces by holding these pieces together so that the tooth keeps its function and continues to last for many years.

Another example of the need for dental crowns is to cover teeth that have developed large cavities that can’t be treated by dental fillings along. A dental crown can bond the filling to the remaining tooth structure to hold everything together. Teeth that have already undergone dental treatment in the past may require dental crowns to conceal previous treatment and enhance the tooth structure. If your child has a high risk of cavities, dental crowns can safely and effectively protect the natural dental structure from being affected by bacteria.

Dr. Bradley Austin and our team invite you to contact Austin Dental Associates at 651-777-0788 today if you would like to schedule an appointment and learn more about our porcelain dental crowns in Maplewood, Minnesota.