A Child’s Oral Health Impacts Their Overall Development

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The development of your child’s oral and general health is partially determined by how healthy their teeth are. To help your child grow up in good health, Dr. Bradley Austin and our team encourage you to understand their dental needs and help them have healthy teeth. A solid foundation of effective oral care should begin during their early years so that they can have strong habits that impact the rest of their life. Below we review the importance of a child having a healthy smile and why daily tooth care matters.

The eruption of the baby teeth marks the requirement for daily oral care because these teeth promote proper eruption and alignment of the permanent teeth a few years down the road. While it may seem that baby teeth don’t need care because they fall out anyway, the initial teeth actually help determine the health of the adult teeth. For example, children that learn to care for baby teeth already have the habits that their adult teeth need.

When caring for pediatric oral health, it’s important to avoid giving your child too much sugar in their diet. In addition to maintaining a diet low in sugar, we invite your child to visit our dentist every six months for oral exams so that we can detect tooth decay early on.

You are welcome to call Austin Dental Associates at 651-777-0788 today if you have questions about your child’s oral health in Maplewood, Minnesota, and would like to meet with our team.